Whistleblower protection at Bochumer Eisenhütte
In July 2022, the Federal Cabinet adopted the draft law presented by the Federal Minister of Justice to improve the protection of whistleblowers and to implement the Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of EU law.
Federal Minister of Justice Dr. Marco Buschmann explains:
“Employees in companies and public authorities are often the first to notice abuses and can use their whistleblowing to ensure that legal violations are uncovered, investigated, prosecuted and stopped. They assume responsibility for society and therefore deserve to be protected from the disadvantages they may face or be deterred from because of their reporting. The Whistleblower Protection Act passed by the Federal Cabinet today creates a coherent system of protection for them. However, the new law also protects companies and authorities themselves. By intervening at an early stage, liability claims and reputational damage can be avoided that would potentially be associated with later external exposure. Effective whistleblower protection can therefore also be a key component of a good compliance system that strengthens a positive and error-free culture.”
We consider the opportunity to provide information to be very important and have set up a whistleblower system. You can find detailed information in German on our website under this link: Whistleblower protection at Bochumer Eisenhütte